From fish to reg

Poker tools

FROM FISH TO REG provides you multiple free poker tools to help you to get better or enjoy playing poker without having headaches. Visit the tools below, we are sure that at least one of them will help you.

poker hand


Forgot the poker rules or need a little refresher on which hand is better? Click the link below to learn the rules of poker.

See the rules
poker clock with blinds

Poker timer tournament

The From fish to reg poker timer allows you to play with your friends at home like in a real casino tournament. Keep track of current levels, small blinds, big blinds and the next break. For beginners you can display hands ranking aside.

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a poker player who pushed chips

Push or fold charts

You may be in a difficult situation when you don't know what to do in a short stack situation. The push or fold charts are there to help you make the right decision at the right time.

See push or fold charts
dictionary on the word gamble

Dictionary & Poker definition

You don't understand the vocabulary used in the poker world? Do you think a fish is a player used to the mechanics of the game? Come and browse through the different definitions and learn more about this unique vocabulary!

Learn about poker vocabulary
Poker hand

Odds calculator

The odds calculator allows you to be sure of the winning hand. It also gives you the odds of winning at each street.

Compute odds
Slots machines

Poker games

Knowing the theory is not enough to progress, it is necessary to play, analyze your mistakes and work on your game. This is indispensable to become better.

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Poker chips


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FROM FISH TO REG offers free poker tools to help player to get better. Made with passion by Valentin

May the flop be with you. — Doyle Brunson
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